The Red Onion

Red Onion  Red Onion

お気に入りの街Kerrisdaleには バンクーバーで一番好きなハンバーガーレストランがある。週末は子供連れの家族でいっぱいだ。大抵私はホットドッグ、夫はチキンバーガーとミルクシェイクを頼む。コーヒーを飲みながら、新聞を読みながら、オーダーを待つのも楽しい。フライドポテトはスモールを頼んで、二人でシェア。ホットドッグは外はパリパリ、中はジューシーなソーセージを使い、チキンバーガーは胸肉を使う店が多いが、ここではもも肉を使っている。食後のデザートに時々ピーカンパイも食べる。お勘定を頼むとでっかい赤玉葱と一緒に請求書がやってくる。この赤玉葱は貰って帰っていいんだそうだ。お腹がいっぱいになった後は、素敵な街、Kerrisdaleを散歩してね。

Our favourite town, Kerrisdale, has our most favorite hamburger restaurant in Vancouver. During weekends, the restaurant is filled with families with kids. Usually I order hot dogs and my husband orders chicken burgers and milkshakes. It’s fun to wait for our orders with drinking coffees and reading newspapers. We share a small bowl of chips. Hot dogs have sausages which skin is crispy and the inside is juicy. As for chicken burgers, many restaurants use breast meat but here they use thighs. After a meal, sometimes we have pecan pies for dessert. A huge red onion comes with an invoice when you ask for the bill. Apparently you can take this onion with you. After filling your stomaches, please walk around the pretty town, Kerrisdale.

Red Onion

Red Onion
2028 41st Avenue West (map)
Tel: (604) 263-0833

Posted in Restaurants | 10 Comments

The Reminder – Feist


2005年3月にFeistについて書いた。その時行ったコンサートは平日で夜8時から始まり、Feistが演奏したのは深夜12時。眠くて、全部聞かずに帰ってきた。それからFeistの大ファンじゃなくなったんだけど、セカンドアルバムが出たので聞いてみた。いいじゃ〜ん。最近セカンドアルバムを出した好きなアーティストはたくさんいた。でもあまり好きなのはなかった。Feistもきっとそうだろな〜と思ってたら、いい曲がいっぱいあった。その中で、My Moon My Man ↓は特に良い。このビデオはトロントピアソン空港で撮影されたんだってさ。今日発売されたiPod NanoのコマーシャルはFeistのこのアルバムの一曲だった。新しいnanoかわいいな〜。

I have written about Feist in March, 2005. The concert we went that time started at 8 pm on a week night and Feist played from midnight. I was so sleepy and left the venue without listening all of her songs. From that time I wasn’t a big fan of her but I listened to her second album which was released recently. Very good. There were many favourite artists who released second albums but I didn’t like most of them. I assumed Feist’s album will not be good either but there were many good songs. “My Moon My Man”  is especially good. Apparently it was filmed at the Toronto Pearson airport. The advert for new iPod nano shows Feist’s song from this album. The new nano is cute.

Posted in Music | 6 Comments

Shima-ya しま屋


秘密のお寿司屋さんにしておきたかったんですが、このお寿司屋さんは “Good thing in Vancouver” なので紹介しないわけにいきません。Victoria Drive x 41st Ave. に今年4月にオープンしたばかりのお店で、しま屋という屋号はオーナーの福島さんの名前からきています。彼は高級日本料理店、千代田、好のベテラン寿司職人さんでした。福島さんのこの腕前に付け加えて、このお店では季節の魚を日本から空輸しています。そしてこの品質の高いお寿司がしま屋さんではとてもリーズナブルなお値段で頂けます。

I wanted to keep secret about this sushi restaurant but I have to write about it because it’s a good thing in Vancouver. It just opened in April this year on Victoria Drive x 41st Ave. The name of the restaurant comes from the owner’s sirname, Mr. Fukushima. He used to be a veteran sushi chef of high end Japanese restaurants, Chiyoda and Yoshi. Further to his quality sushi skill, seasonable fish are imported from Japan by air. You can eat these really good quality sushi with a really reasonable price at Shimaya.



We had Sashimi in a bowl which was made out of ice (limited quantity) and deluxe nigiri $15.95. They grilled the heads of jumbo prawns which were so yummy (Don’t get grossed out non Japanese people!). I was very satisfied. My baby slept all the time during the meal. Phew.


5589 Victoria Drive (x 41st Ave.)
Tel: 604-322-4649

Open hours:
Mon: Closed
Tue, Wed, Thu: 11:30-14:30 / 17:00-20:30
Fri, Sat: 11:30-14:30 / 17:00-21:00
Sun: 12:00-14:30 / 17:00-20:00 (from Sep 30th, Sunday will be closed)

Posted in Restaurants | 6 Comments

Toratatsu 虎龍


今日は出産予定日ですが、何も起こるような気配がありません。もう外食できなくなるので、ワインバー「虎龍」に行ってきました。このバーはYaletownにある居酒屋「汁ベゑ」の二号店で、人気のある日本の居酒屋が建ち並ぶDenman Street X Robson Street界隈にオープンしました。バーの大きさや雰囲気はDavie StreetにあるBin 941に似てるかな。夫は、バンクーバーの居酒屋に入った時の「いらっしゃいませ〜」とすごい大声で迎えられるのが苦手ですが、このバーはそんな歓迎がないので嬉しいと言っていました。お料理も手頃なお値段で、色んな種類が楽しめました。唐揚げトルティーヤ、海老チリマヨがおいしかった。ワインの数も30種類以上ありました。このバーでは、京都の銘茶、「通圓(つうえん)」さんのお茶が頂けます。妊婦の私はおいしいお茶を飲んで幸せ気分でした。バンクーバーにある居酒屋は大勢で行ってワイワイ楽しめる所が多いですが、このバーは彼女や彼氏とゆっくり飲みたい時にピッタリかも。

Today is my baby’s due date but doesn’t look like something would happen. I won’t be able to dine out soon so we went to a wine bar called “Toratatsu (meaning Tiger Dragon in Japanese)”. This bar is the second Izakaya (Japanese drinking establishment which also serves food to accompany the drinks) bar of Shiru-Bay in Yaletown. The bar opened in the area of Denman x Robson street where many popular Japanese Izakayas are. The bar’s size and atmosphere are similar to Bin 941 on Davie Street. My husband said he likes this bar because he doesn’t get the usual Japanese Izakaya welcome – waiters and cooks shout at customers saying “Irasshaimase (welcome)”. Their tapas menu is reasonable and have lots of varieties. We liked Deep fried chicken tortilla and Deep fried prawn with chili and mayonnaise sauce. They have more than 30 kinds of wine and they also have Kyoto’s famous tea from Tsuen which was perfect for pregnant women like myself. I was very happy sipping delicious Japanese tea. There are many Izakaya bars in Vancouver where you can go with lots of people but this place will be suitable when you want to have a relaxing time with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

735 Denman Street (map)
Tel: 604-685-9399
Open: Mon-Sat 18:00-2:00
Closed on Sun

Posted in Restaurants | 22 Comments


Misomayo - Japadog Terimayo - Japadog


The weather was really good yesterday so we went for lunch to a hotdog stand called Japadog which is run by a Japanese guy. You can choose hot dogs with Teriyaki mayonnaise sauce, Miso mayonnaise sauce, grated radish etc. I tried Miso mayonnaise this time and I wanna try grated radish one next time. Their menu is here.


In front of the Sutton Place Hotel
Burrard Street x Haro Street (map)

Mon – Thu: Noon – 19:30
Fri – Sat: Noon to 20:00
Sun: 12:30 – 19:00

Posted in Restaurants | 10 Comments

Community Garden 2007


畑を借りて3年目になりますが、今年は気合入ってます。今年は、トマトに賭けています。買ってきた苗5本、自分達で種から育てた苗13本、計18本で勝負です。害虫、キスジノミハムシFlea Beetle)の被害にあいましたが、殺虫剤で撃墜。先週末はトマトフードをあげて、栄養を補給。これで暑い夏になってくれれば、トマトが鈴なり~♪と夢見ています。他にはえんどう豆、春菊、レタス等のローメンテナンス系野菜を植えました。

It’s our third year since we started to rent the vegetable allotment and we are eager in doing it this year. We bet on tomatoes this year. We have this game with 18 seedlings – 5 bought seedlings and 13 seedlings that we grew from seeds. We had an attack of flea beetles but we shot them down with pesticide. We gave tomato food last weekend and boosted their nutrition. We are hoping it’s going to be a hot summer and dreaming about crammed tomatoes♪ We also planted low maintenance veggies such as green beans, chrysanthemum leaves and lettuces.



Today’s harvests are garlic which we planted last autumn and kale from my mum’s allotment.


Seedlings which we grew from seeds

Posted in Misc. | 6 Comments



スペインの巨匠、Pedro Almodavarが2002年に監督したHable con ella (Talk to her)はとても好きな映画の一つである。今回、彼が2006年に監督したVolver (邦題:帰郷)を観た。主演は Penelope Cruz。彼女が出演したハリウッド映画は冴えないものばっかりだったけど、この映画で彼女はとても魅力的に見えた。映画ではスペイン、ラ・マンチャ地方の暮らしが映し出され、その美しさに憧れた。女性がたくさん出てくる映画で、女友達、姉妹、母娘、色々な形の女性の絆が見れた映画だった。日本語字幕付トレイラーはこちら

Hable con ella (“Talk to her” in English) is one of my favorite films which was directed by a great Spanish director, Pedro Almodavar in 2002. We watched his work called Volver (“To return” in English) which was directed in 2006. The main actor is Penelope Cruz. Many of Hollywood films she acted for were not great but she looked very attractive in this flim. This film showed the life of La Mancha in Spain and I adored its beauty. There are lots of women appear in this film and I saw various forms of female relationships such as amongst friends, sisters, mother and daughters. The trailer is here.

My rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(8!)
IMDB: 7.8


Posted in Film | 4 Comments

Habit Lounge

Habit Habit

Main StreetのHabit Loungeに行った。ここは2005年の11月にオープンした。ミッドセンチュリーなインテリアがかわいい。タパススタイルのメニューで、変わったメニューが楽しめる。私達はにんじんとブリーチーズが入ったぺロギー、モロッコ風鳥手羽から揚げを食べた。二つとも食べたことのない味で、とってもおいしかった。ベジタリアンフレンドリーな料理も結構ある。メニューはこちら

We went to the Habit Lounge on Main street. This restaurant opened in November, 2005. Their mid century interior is very cute. Their menu is tapas style and there are many interesting items. We had sweet carrot and brie cheese perogies and Moroccan spiced free-run chicken wings. Both dishes had tastes which I never experienced before and they were very good. There are quite a few dishes which are vegetarian friendly. Their menu is here.


Habit Lounge
2610 Main St x 10th (map)
Tel: 604-877-8582 (no reservations)
Mon-Sat 5pm-1:30am
Sun 5pm – 11pm

Posted in Restaurants | 6 Comments

Chicken with mushrooms and lemon grass

Chicken with mushrooms and lemon grass

友達を呼んで、夫がディナーを作ってくれた。今回もNigel Slater氏の料理本からレシピを選んだ。チキンのマッシュルームとレモングラス炒め。めちゃ簡単なはずだったのに、めちゃ時間かかってた。。。けど、めちゃおいしかった。

We invited friends and my husband cooked dinner. He picked a recipe from Nigel Slater’s cook book again which was chicken with mushrooms and lemon grass. It was supposed to be super easy to cook but it took super long time …. but it was super delicious.

Mrs. Kがおみやげに牡丹をくれたので、写真に撮って壁紙にした。牡丹は彼女の結婚式のブーケを作った時に使った花の一つで、今週は3年目の結婚記念日なんだよね。おめでとう!

Mrs. K gave me the peony as a present. So I took the picture and made it as a wallpaper. Peony was one of the flowers that I used for the wedding bouquet that I made for her. This week is their 3rd wedding anniversary. Congratulations!


Posted in Food at home | 6 Comments



My husband is very difficult to please with when it comes to breads. I was almost banned from buying breads until I bought these breads. When I bought these breads, my husband called me a genius. I will introduce here these saviours.

Georgian Baguette

Fraser Street にあるEuropean Breads BakeryはこのGeorgian Buguetteを作る。パン屋さんのウェブサイトには、このバゲットは古代ギリシャ時代から受け継がれた最古のパン製造方法で作られていますと書かれている。ほんまか?とにかく、このパンはおいしくて、買うといつも一日で食べてしまいます。Capersで$2.68で買えます。Fraser Streetの本店にも行ってみたいな。

European Breads Bakery on Fraser street makes this Georgian Baguette. When I buy this bread it’s gone in one day. The bakery’s web site says that the Georgian Baguette is one of the oldest types of breads in the world. It dates back to the time of Argonauts and Greek mythology. Really? Anyway, this bread is delicious and normally it’s gone in one day when I buy it. I buy this bread at Capers for $2.68. I would love to go to the bakery on Fraser Street.

Bowness bread

夫の母国、イギリスのパンは重い。なのである日、スーパーで一番重いパンを買ってみた。このアルバータ州Bowness Bakeryで作られているパンが一番重たかった。イーストや乳製品が入っていないというこのパンはトーストにするとめちゃウマい。 Extra Foodsで二斤買うと、一斤$3.89。一斤だけ買うと$4.19。

Breads in my husband’s country, Britain, are heavy. So one day, I chose the heaviest bread in the supermarket. This bread baked by Bowness Bakery in Alberta was the heaviest. This bread doesn’t have yeast or dirary products and is great for toasts. At the Extra Foods, this bread is $4.19 and $3.89 when you buy two.

Posted in Shop | 8 Comments