B C Binning

B C Binning

最近天気がいいので、B C Binningのモザイクの写真を撮りに昼休み散歩に出かけた。Bertram Charles Binning (Feb 10, 1909 – Mar 16, 1968) はバンクーバーで活躍した画家、建築家、教育者である。彼はブリティッシュコロンビア大学の現代美術学科の創設者でもある。この記事によると、1941年に自分の家を設計し、プライウッドなどの経済的な材料を使い5000ドルで建設した。ミッドセンチュリーモダンな素敵なお家であるが、当時は先駆的すぎて家に見物人がたくさん来たそうだ。その家の建設を手がけた、C E PrattとR A D Berwickと一緒にCIBCビルやBC Electric Building等の他の建築物をデザインした。上のモザイク画が今でも飾られている、CIBCビル(地図) – 今はドラッグストアになっている。きっとBC州の経済を絵に表したんだと思う。下の写真はBC Electric Building(地図)で手前にはユニークな形の発電所が潜んでいる。ここのダイヤモンド柄のモザイクもBinningがデザインした。

The weather has been fantastic recently and I went for a walk during my lunch break to take pictures of mosaic by B C Binning. Bertram Charles Binning (Feb 10, 1909 – Mar 16, 1968) was a painter, architect and educator who played an active part in Vancouver. He was also a founder of the Department of Fine Arts at the University of British Columbia. According to this article, he designed his own house in 1941 and built with $5,000 by using economical building materials such as plywood. It’s a very nice mid-century modern house, but at that time the house looked so ahead of time and there were always people came to see the house. The architects, C E Pratt and R A D Berwick, who constructed the house, designed other buildings with Binning such as the CIBC building and the BC Electric Building. The above is the mosaic artwork done by Binning which is still exhibited in the CIBC building (map) – now it’s a drug store. I believe the mosaic expresses the economy of British Columbia. The below is the BC Electric Building (map) and there is a power station next to it, uniquely hidden in the building. Binning also designed the diamond shape mosaic of this building.

BC Electric Building B C Binning

ネットで調べていると、彼らがデザインした家を1ヶ月3千ドルで借りれる不動産屋を見つけた。長期休暇にこんなところに滞在するのもいいかもしれない。タイムリーなことに今、バンクーバー美術館でB C Binningの展覧会が4月29日まで開催されている。行きたい、行きたい。

I found a real estate agency where you can rent a house designed by Binning – $3000 for one month. It might be nice to stay in such place for a long holiday. Timely speaking, an exhibition of Binning is currently held in the Vancouver Art Gallery until April 29th. I would love to go.

B C Binning
My current wallpaper is this photo. Go here to download enlarged size.

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2 Responses to B C Binning

  1. madam-yang says:


  2. chilco says:


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