Stranger Than Fiction


Will Ferrell 主演の 「Stranger Than Fiction」を観た。これ面白かった。Emma Thompsonが扮する小説家は自分が書いている人物、Harold (Will Ferrel) が実在するとは知らなかった。Haroldは政府の税金監査で勤め、分刻みに正確な毎日を送っていた。しかしある日、頭の中で誰かが自分の行動についてナレーションしていることに気づく。そしてこのナレーションが自分の運命を決めていることにも気づいていく。Haroldはこの頭の声の主を探すことを始め、声の主がこの小説家だということを突き止める。さて、彼の運命はどうなるのか。

Saturday Night Liveに出ていたWill Ferrellは大好きなんだけど、彼のコメディ映画は全部終わってたと思う。真面目な映画、例えばWoody Allen監督の「Melinda Melinda」やこの映画では役者としてとても好演していた。Will Farrell がインタビューされているところを一度見た事があるけど、とっても真面目そうな人だった。この映画には他に、Emma Thompson、Dustin Hoffman、Maggie Gyllenhaalなどの素晴らしい役者達も出演している。IMDBに書いてたんだけど、ビートルズを暗喩しているところが多々あった。緑のりんご、アビーロードのアルバムカバーそっくりの道、ハロルドはタックスマン、カレンはペーパーバックライターなどなど。


We watched “Stranger Than Fiction” which Will Ferrell was in. It was very good. A novel writer acted by Emma Thompson didn’t realize her novel’s character, Harold (Will Ferrell) actually existed. Harold was working as a tax man and he was spending every minutes of his life promptly as scheduled. But one day he heard somebody was narrating his behavior in his head and realized this narration was becoming his fate. He started to look for the person of this voice and found the novel writer was the one. Then what happens to his fate?

We really adore Will Ferrell in Saturday Night Live but find his comedy films are really bad. He acts well in serious films like Woody Allen’s “Melinda and Melinda”or in this film. I saw him being interviewed one time and he looked very serious person. There are other wonderful actors in this film – Emma Thompson, Dustin Hoffman and Maggie Gyllenhaal. I read in IMDB that there are many parts in this film that refers to The Beatles – Green Apple, Will Ferrell crosses the street a la the Abbey Road album cover, he’s a Taxman, Karen Eiffel is a writer (paperback writer), etc.

This is a film which makes you reconsider about your own life after watching the film. You can watch the trailer here.

My rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(9!)
IMDB: 7.8

Will Ferrell

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2 Responses to Stranger Than Fiction

  1. madam-yang says:



  2. chilco says:



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