The Bird and The Bee / Lily Allen

The Bird and The Bee

昨晩はコンサートに行って来た。前座はLAのバンド、The Bird and The Bee。ピアノのGreg Kurstin (“Bee”)とボーカルのInara George (“Bird”)の二人。Blue Note レーベルから今年の1月にファーストアルバムをリリースしたばかり。彼らの60年代を意識したスタイルがかっこよく、音楽もとても良かった。カバー曲、Do you know the way to San Jose? もラブリーだった。ここで試聴できます。アルバムを購入して、ボーカルのInaraにサインしてもらった。ラッキー。

We went to a concert last night. The opening performer was a band from LA called The Bird and The Bee. It’s a duo band – a pianist, Greg Kurstin (“Bee”) and a vocalist, Inara George (“Bird”). They just released their first album this January from the Blue Note label. Their 60’s influenced style was cool and their music was really good. They did a cover song, Do you know the way to San Jose?, which was lovely. You can listen to their music here. I bought their album and asked the vocalist, Inara to sign it. Lucky me.



で、メインはLily Allen。喉が痛いって言ってたけど、そんなことは全く感じさせない歌唱力。Keane, Blondie, Kaiser Chiefのカバー曲も歌い、Lily風にアレンジされていてとってもよかった。ラガ調の新曲も数曲披露してくれた。かっちょいい。各曲ごとにその曲は誰のことを書いたとか説明してくれて、笑かしてくれた。楽しいコンサートだった。お腹の中で赤ちゃんも踊っていた。。。と思う。

Then, the main performer was Lily Allen. She said she had sore throat but her singing was super and didn’t show the soreness at all. She did a couple of cover songs of Keane, Blondie and Kaiser Chief, which were all arranged in Lily style. She also performed a few new songs which sounded Ragga. Very cool. She explained the back ground of each song and made us laugh. It was a jolly concert. Our baby was dancing in my belly…I think.


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4 Responses to The Bird and The Bee / Lily Allen

  1. Mrs. K. says:

    I never wanted it to end up this way, you’ve only got yourself to blame. I’m gonna tell you that you’re rubbish in bed now, and that you’re small in the game.

  2. chilco says:

    ☆Mrs. K, Lily said, he was a very nasty boy friend with the smallest peanus in the world.

    How little did he know that the Lily fan in the world know about it now. Great revenge.

  3. madam-yang says:


  4. chilco says:


    The Bird and the Beeのボーカル、ハスキーでよかでした。その声にあった音楽で、最近よく聞いています。日本では東芝EMIからメジャーデビューしてるみたい。なんか日本で売れそうやね。


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