

うちの近所のRoundabout (ロータリー)が模様替えしていました。Green Streetsというボランティアのプログラムで、Roundaboutの真ん中のスペースをご近所のどなたが管理してくれています。模様がとても変わったお花編笠百合 (英語名Snake’s Head Fritillary)が植えられていました。夫が小さい頃、家にこの花が描かれたランチョンマットが一つあって、いつも妹とそれを取り合いしていたそうです。ウィキペディアによると、オックスフォードの県花だそうです


The roundabout nearby my residence has been changed. Through a volunteer program called Green Streets, some neighbors look after the center space of the roundabout. There were Snake’s Head Fritillary planted. The pattern of the flower is very unique. When my husband was small he had a luncheon mat with the flower on it and he always had to fight with his sister to use the luncheon mat. Apparently it’s the flower of Oxfordshire according to Wikipedia.

Thank you my neighbor who is looking after this space!

Roundabout Roundabout

Snake's Head Fritillary
編笠百合・Snake’s Head Fritillary

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4 Responses to Roundabout

  1. Mrs. K. says:

    I can see why people call it the Snake’s Head Fritillary – its other name, the Leper Lily doesn’t sound as nice!

  2. chilco says:

    ☆Mrs. K, I didn’t know what Leper meant …

    Leper: a person suffering from leprosy.
    Leprosy: a contagious disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves, causing discoloration and lumps on the skin and, in severe cases, disfigurement and deformities.

    Yup, I will call it Snake’s Head Fritillary.

  3. madam-yang says:



  4. chilco says:




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