The Reminder – Feist


2005年3月にFeistについて書いた。その時行ったコンサートは平日で夜8時から始まり、Feistが演奏したのは深夜12時。眠くて、全部聞かずに帰ってきた。それからFeistの大ファンじゃなくなったんだけど、セカンドアルバムが出たので聞いてみた。いいじゃ〜ん。最近セカンドアルバムを出した好きなアーティストはたくさんいた。でもあまり好きなのはなかった。Feistもきっとそうだろな〜と思ってたら、いい曲がいっぱいあった。その中で、My Moon My Man ↓は特に良い。このビデオはトロントピアソン空港で撮影されたんだってさ。今日発売されたiPod NanoのコマーシャルはFeistのこのアルバムの一曲だった。新しいnanoかわいいな〜。

I have written about Feist in March, 2005. The concert we went that time started at 8 pm on a week night and Feist played from midnight. I was so sleepy and left the venue without listening all of her songs. From that time I wasn’t a big fan of her but I listened to her second album which was released recently. Very good. There were many favourite artists who released second albums but I didn’t like most of them. I assumed Feist’s album will not be good either but there were many good songs. “My Moon My Man”  is especially good. Apparently it was filmed at the Toronto Pearson airport. The advert for new iPod nano shows Feist’s song from this album. The new nano is cute.

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6 Responses to The Reminder – Feist

  1. madam-yang says:


  2. chilco says:


  3. Mrs. K. says:

    I love that video, that song, her voice…thanks for putting it on your blog. Her high voice in this song in particular reminds me of Lily Allen.

  4. ネリッサ says:


    I found your website couple of days ago. This is such a beautifully-made website, one of the most informative, and nicely-presented personal websites I have ever seen.
    After seeing all those photos and your stories, I could see your passion and love for life. I was very deeply touched by you.

    Living in Vancouver, this vital and beautiful city is indeed a blessing.

    My best wishes to you, your family and your new-born baby boy.


    ネリッサ より

  5. chilco says:

    ☆Mrs. K, the same guy directed the ipod ad video, its song called “one two three four”. Their style of dancing is cool. Yeah, I guess Fiest and Lily Allen both have husky voice.

  6. chilco says:


    Thank you for your lovely comments which motivate me to write more blog. Regrettably I cannot spend much time on this blog due to my baby at the moment but I will try!

    がんばりま〜す。 また遊びにきてください。

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