藤田嗣治, Tsuguharu Leonard Foujita


My ex boss is a really nice guy who loves arts. He used to take me to many musicals and he invited me and my honey to go to Simon & Garfunkel’s concert in Seattle. He sent me this book about a Japanese painter, Tsuguharu Leonard Foujita. When I looked at the front cover, I could not believe this guy was a Japanese man from the Meiji era. Because he was wearing an earring, a bracelet, and a ring!

藤田は1886年に日本で生まれ、26歳の時に美術を勉強するためにパリへ渡った。彼は今やとても有名なモジリアーニ、スーチン、ピカソ、マチスなどと深い交流を持った。彼のアパートにはお湯の出るお風呂があったので、たくさんのモデルが彼の元を訪れ、お返しに彼のモデルをした。そのなかの一人がキキであった。彼はキキをモデルに「Nu couché à la toile de Jouy」を描いたことにより、彼は有名になった。彼はとても有名になり当時パリにいた日本人はいつも藤田を知っているかと聞かれたほどだった。1939年に彼は日本に帰り、「兵士に勇気を与える」戦争画を書くことを政府に頼まれる。彼は献身的にたくさんの絵を書いたが、第二次世界大戦が終わった頃には、彼は戦犯だと非難された。結局1070人の戦犯には一人も画家の名前はなかったが、藤田は傷つき、裏切られたと感じた。彼は日本を大変愛したが、フランスに戻り帰化し、カソリック教徒となった。レオナルドはレオナルド・ダ・ビンチからとったカソリック名である。彼の最後の作品はフランスにあるランスという街にある教会の建設と、教会内のフレスコ画だった。完成の3ヵ月後彼は他界し、彼のお墓はその教会にある。

Foujita was born in 1886 in Japan and went to Paris to study painting when he was 26. He became close friends with artists such as Modigliani, Soutine, Picasso, Matisse, who are now very famous. Lots of models visited him since he had a hot bath tub in his apartment and they modeled for him in return. One of them was Kiki. He painted her in “Nu couché à la toile de Jouy” and it made him famous. He became so famous that every Japanese people in Paris at that time were asked if they knew Foujita. In 1939, he went back to Japan and asked by the government to do war paintings which “give courage to Japanese soldiers”. He devoted himself for this task but by the time the WWII finished, he was blamed that he was a war criminal. Although no artists were in 1070 war criminals at the end, Foujita was hurt and felt betrayed. He really loved Japan but he went back to France and took French nationality and became Catholic. Leonard is his Catholic name, taken from Leonard De Vinci. His last work is to build and paint a chapel in a town called Reims in France. He passed away three months after the completion of the last work and he was buried at the chapel.


I learnt from this book he was a great international Japanese artist who sought his own originality without forgetting his origin. He also was a very thoughtful person. In future, I would like to see many of his paintings which exists in many countries across the world. I feel proud that I share the same origin with Foujita.

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6 Responses to 藤田嗣治, Tsuguharu Leonard Foujita

  1. Mrs. K says:

    Very interesting. Your comments made me realize that I don't think I've seen any Japanese man with an earring even today. Sounds like you're busy reading lots of books!

  2. 初めてしりました!勉強になります。やっぱりパリって何かこうひきつけるものがあるんでしょうね!ヨーロッパには行ったことないので、死ぬまでにはゆっくりといってみたいものです!

  3. chilco says:

    Mrs. K. Yeah, I know! Isn't he funky?
    I haven't decided what to read next though.
    Can you recommend any?

  4. chilco says:


  5. Mrs. K. says:

    I have a book called "White Teeth" by Zadie Smith. It's quite long and intellectual, which is why I need to read it again some day to really get it. You're welcome to borrow it if you like!

  6. chilco says:

    Yes, please Mrs. K, but I'm a bit worried it's quite LONG and INTELLECTUAL. I will have a go!

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