夫のハトコTちゃんと弟のTくんとボーイフレンドのPくんをディナーに招く。料理人は夫。6時からのディナーなのに、4時頃夫は昼寝をして余裕をかましていた。レシピは夫の妹からクリスマスプレゼントに貰ったNigel Slaterの料理本からタイ料理を2品、前菜にフィッシュケーキ、メインにエビのグリーンカレーを選んだ。Nigel Slaterはイギリスの新聞、Observer紙の料理コラムニスト。どうしてもベジタリアンになれないことについての彼の記事を読んで同感する。彼のレシピは作りやすく、おいしいのが人気らしい。もちろん夫の料理は6時に出来上がらず、招待客をキッチンに招いて飲みながら、料理をすることに。出来上がった料理は、マジで上手かった。
We invited my husband’s second cousin, T-chan, her brother T-kun, and her boyfriend P-kun. The cook was my husband. The dinner was supposed to start from 6 but he could afford to take a nap at 4. He picked up 2 Thai recipes from Nigel Slater’s cook book which we got from his sister at Christmas. The appetizer was fish cakes and the main was Prawn green curry. Nigel Slater is a food columnist of the British weekend newspaper, The Observer. I just read his article about why he cannot be a vegetarian and I agree. Apparently his recipes are popular for its simplicity and deliciousness. Of course my husband’s dishes weren’t ready at 6. We invited our guests to our kitchen and my husband cooked. The cooked dishes were seriously good.

T-chan baked the strawberry cake. The sponge cake that she said she learnt from her grandma was fulfilled with lemon flavour. The cake was humongous but five of us finished it all.