Nigel Slater


夫のハトコTちゃんと弟のTくんとボーイフレンドのPくんをディナーに招く。料理人は夫。6時からのディナーなのに、4時頃夫は昼寝をして余裕をかましていた。レシピは夫の妹からクリスマスプレゼントに貰ったNigel Slaterの料理本からタイ料理を2品、前菜にフィッシュケーキ、メインにエビのグリーンカレーを選んだ。Nigel Slaterはイギリスの新聞、Observer紙の料理コラムニストどうしてもベジタリアンになれないことについての彼の記事を読んで同感する。彼のレシピは作りやすく、おいしいのが人気らしい。もちろん夫の料理は6時に出来上がらず、招待客をキッチンに招いて飲みながら、料理をすることに。出来上がった料理は、マジで上手かった。

We invited my husband’s second cousin, T-chan, her brother T-kun, and her boyfriend P-kun. The cook was my husband. The dinner was supposed to start from 6 but he could afford to take a nap at 4. He picked up 2 Thai recipes from Nigel Slater’s cook book which we got from his sister at Christmas. The appetizer was fish cakes and the main was Prawn green curry. Nigel Slater is a food columnist of the British weekend newspaper, The Observer. I just read his article about why he cannot be a vegetarian and I agree. Apparently his recipes are popular for its simplicity and deliciousness. Of course my husband’s dishes weren’t ready at 6. We invited our guests to our kitchen and my husband cooked. The cooked dishes were seriously good.



T-chan baked the strawberry cake. The sponge cake that she said she learnt from her grandma was fulfilled with lemon flavour. The cake was humongous but five of us finished it all.


Posted in Food at home | 4 Comments



うちの近所のRoundabout (ロータリー)が模様替えしていました。Green Streetsというボランティアのプログラムで、Roundaboutの真ん中のスペースをご近所のどなたが管理してくれています。模様がとても変わったお花編笠百合 (英語名Snake’s Head Fritillary)が植えられていました。夫が小さい頃、家にこの花が描かれたランチョンマットが一つあって、いつも妹とそれを取り合いしていたそうです。ウィキペディアによると、オックスフォードの県花だそうです


The roundabout nearby my residence has been changed. Through a volunteer program called Green Streets, some neighbors look after the center space of the roundabout. There were Snake’s Head Fritillary planted. The pattern of the flower is very unique. When my husband was small he had a luncheon mat with the flower on it and he always had to fight with his sister to use the luncheon mat. Apparently it’s the flower of Oxfordshire according to Wikipedia.

Thank you my neighbor who is looking after this space!

Roundabout Roundabout

Snake's Head Fritillary
編笠百合・Snake’s Head Fritillary

Posted in Vancouver | 4 Comments



UBC(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)の近くにお気に入りのレストランがある。このレストランはシチューやスープがおいしいので評判だ。以前妹と一緒に行った時、彼女はチリペッパーが入ったチョコレートカスタードにめちゃ感動していた。今回私はフレンチオニオンスープ、夫はビールとチキンシーザーサラダを頼んだ。ここでは、ケータリングサービスも行っているそうだ。結婚式の披露宴とかにいいねぇ。ウェブサイトを見るとノースバンクーバーにもお店があることが分かった。ここのスープやシチューはDumber StreetのスーパーStong’sやGranville IslandのEdible BCでも買えるんだって。

We have a favourite restaurant near UBC (University of British Columbia). This restaurant is famous for their delicious stew and soup. When we went there with my sister, she was astonished with their Chocolate Custard with chili pepper. This time I had French onion soup and my husband had chicken Caesar salad and beer. They also do catering service which we think it’s great for a wedding reception. I found out from their website that there is another restaurant in North Vancouver. You can also buy their soup and stew at a supermarket, Stong’s on Dumber street or at Edible BC in Granville Island.

4434 w. 10th avenue (map)
Tel: 604 221 7839

3 lonsdale avenue (map)
North Vancouver
Tel: 604 904 0933


Posted in Restaurants | 2 Comments

Hot Fuzz


映画館に行ってイギリスのコメディ、Hot Fuzzを観た。ストーリーはロンドンで最優秀逮捕率を持つ超エリート警官がイギリスの田舎町に転勤させられる。そこで起こる事件に田舎者警官のパートナーと解決に挑む。アメリカのアクション映画でよく見る銃撃戦がイギリスの平和な片田舎で起こるのが笑えた。だいたいイギリスでは警官は銃持ってなくて、こん棒しか持ってない。Timothy Daltonなどイギリスのベテラン俳優達が脇役でたくさん出ているのも楽しかった。主演のSimon Peggは脚本も監督のEdger Wrightと一緒に書いている。彼らはゾンビコメディ映画 Shaun of the Dead やコメディドラマ Spacedも書いている。プロデューサーのNira ParkはEdger Wrightのこれらの作品や私のお気に入りコメディBlack Booksなどをプロデュースした。彼女は歌手Lily Allenのお母さんでもある。すげえ、かっこいいお母さん。トレイラーはこちら。あ~この映画笑った。

We watched a British comedy called Hot Fuzz in a cinema. The story is about a super elite police man in London who has the best arresting rate and he is reassigned to a tiny town in a country side. He tries to solve cases which occur in the town with a countryman partner. It was funny to see a gun fight which you normally see in American action films happen in the peaceful town in England. British policemen don’t have guns. They only have truncheons. It was entertaining to see lots of veteran actors like Timothy Dalton were in the film doing supporting roles. The main actor, Simon Pegg also wrote the screen play with the director, Edger Wright. They also co-written a Zombie comedy film, Shaun of the Dead and a comedy drama, Spaced. The producer, Nira Park produced not only these Edger Wright’s works but also my favorite comedy, Black Books. She is also a mother of a singer, Lily Allen. Cool mum. You can watch the trailer here. This film made us laugh a lot.

My rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(8!)
IMDB: 8.2


Posted in Film | 2 Comments

Cylons’ attack?

Cylons' attack?


The clouds at the sun set yesterday. We thought it was Cylons’ attack.

Posted in Vancouver | 2 Comments

Sun Walk?

Sun Run 2007


I participated in the 23rd Vancouver Sun Run. This is the biggest 10 K run in Canada and the second biggest in North America (the biggest one is Atlanta marathon). This year’s participants were about 54,000. It was a lovely morning on that day. This year I am pregnant so I walked all the way. My husband walked with me as a bodyguard as well. We took about 2 hours and 20 minutes. We saw lots of running mums with strollers. May be it’s me next year.

Sun Run 2007

Posted in Vancouver | 4 Comments


Minoru Chapel, Richmond BC


We went to my colleague’s wedding. The weather had been forecasted rain but it was a fine day on that day. The wedding ceremony was held at the Minoru Chapel in Richmond. It was a charming church which was built in 1888. My colleague in bridal dress was amazingly beautiful. Since she is from Hong Kong, the ceremony was done in Cantonese and English.

Chinese Banquet


An entire restaurant was reserved for the reception and it was filled with 200 invited people. A dish after another dish came on a table. There were 12 kinds of dishes. My stomach was almost exploded at the end but it tasted so good that I finished everything. During the meal, the bride changed her dress three times. The thing I experienced for the first time was to make noises with chopsticks and plates. Ever time this happened the bride and groom had to kiss.

Chinese Wedding Banquet at Kirin Restaurant

1. Golden pig, 2. Assorted appetizer platter with roasted pig, 3. Geoduck stir fried with Chicken & Prawn / Deep fried Crab Claw with minced prawn, 4. Shark fin with Crab meat and Fish Maw soup, 5. Live Robster in Consomme with light ginger & Green onion, 6. Crispy skin free range chicken, 7. Sliced Abalone with Chinese mushroom & selected vegetables, 8. Seamed live rock Cod, 9. Pan fried stickey rice with perserved meat, 10. Stewed E-Fu noodle with tender scallion in abalone sauce, 11. Chef’s special sweetened soup, 12. Dim Sum dessert 1, 13. Dim Sum dessert 2


The golden piggies in the photo were decoration at the restaurant. This year’s sign of the zodiac in Chinese astrology is pig. This year is a special Golden Pig year which only happens once in 60 years. It is said that the children who are born in this year and the birthrate gets increased in China and Korea.

Posted in Misc. | 8 Comments

Easter holiday

Easter 2007

1. Easter meal at Mr. & Mrs. K’s, 2. Easter bunnies and eggs, 3. Osake from Granville Island, 4. Scrumptious appetizer, 5. Roast Beef, 6. Scallop potato, 7. NY cheese cake by Mr. K., 8. My sister’s present, 9. Cookies I baked, 10. Our Easter meal 2007, 11. Two sets of twins?, 12. Racoon at Stanley park, 13. Magnolia




We had a NHL play off game of our local ice hockey team, Canucks last night. The game went on till half past midnight and all the Vancouverites are sleepy today. I’m glad they won the game. We had Easter holiday from the last Friday for four days. On Saturday evening, we were invited at Mr. & Mrs. K’s residence. Yey! It’s always nice to be invited for delicious meal. I baked cookies as a gift. Their appetizer was a pie with toppings of caramelized onion, olives and anchovies. I forgot the name of the appetizer but the combination of salty anchovies and sweet onions was scrumptious. The main dish was garlicky roast beef with asparagus and scallop potatoes. The dessert was New York Cheese cake. Mr. K said he used 1 kilo of cream cheese but I decided that I didn’t hear it. Thanks a bunch always!

At our residence, I roasted a ham and invited my family. I made the ham at Christmas two years ago and my family loved it.

As for the rest of the holiday, we went for a walk in the park or window shopping …

Posted in Food at home, Vancouver | 7 Comments

The Bird and The Bee / Lily Allen

The Bird and The Bee

昨晩はコンサートに行って来た。前座はLAのバンド、The Bird and The Bee。ピアノのGreg Kurstin (“Bee”)とボーカルのInara George (“Bird”)の二人。Blue Note レーベルから今年の1月にファーストアルバムをリリースしたばかり。彼らの60年代を意識したスタイルがかっこよく、音楽もとても良かった。カバー曲、Do you know the way to San Jose? もラブリーだった。ここで試聴できます。アルバムを購入して、ボーカルのInaraにサインしてもらった。ラッキー。

We went to a concert last night. The opening performer was a band from LA called The Bird and The Bee. It’s a duo band – a pianist, Greg Kurstin (“Bee”) and a vocalist, Inara George (“Bird”). They just released their first album this January from the Blue Note label. Their 60’s influenced style was cool and their music was really good. They did a cover song, Do you know the way to San Jose?, which was lovely. You can listen to their music here. I bought their album and asked the vocalist, Inara to sign it. Lucky me.



で、メインはLily Allen。喉が痛いって言ってたけど、そんなことは全く感じさせない歌唱力。Keane, Blondie, Kaiser Chiefのカバー曲も歌い、Lily風にアレンジされていてとってもよかった。ラガ調の新曲も数曲披露してくれた。かっちょいい。各曲ごとにその曲は誰のことを書いたとか説明してくれて、笑かしてくれた。楽しいコンサートだった。お腹の中で赤ちゃんも踊っていた。。。と思う。

Then, the main performer was Lily Allen. She said she had sore throat but her singing was super and didn’t show the soreness at all. She did a couple of cover songs of Keane, Blondie and Kaiser Chief, which were all arranged in Lily style. She also performed a few new songs which sounded Ragga. Very cool. She explained the back ground of each song and made us laugh. It was a jolly concert. Our baby was dancing in my belly…I think.


Posted in Music | 4 Comments



昨日紹介した、dutilのすぐ近くにSteamworksというレストランがある。夫はこのレストランが作っているビールが大好きである。週末にSteamworksにランチしに行こうと提案すると、絶対に「それはグッドアイディアだ!」と言う。バンクーバーの観光名所、ガスタウンの入り口にあることから、観光客もたくさん訪れる。このレストランは毎年夏に、Tour de Gastownというサイクルレースを主催する。1991年にはアマチュアだったランス・アームストロングが優勝した。初めてサイクルレースというものをここで見たが、すごいスリルがあった。

There is a restaurant called Steamworks just near dutil which I introduced yesterday. My husband adores beer that this restaurant brews. If I suggest to go lunch at Steamworks during weekends, he definitely says “That’s a great idea!”. Since this restaurant is located at the entrance of a touristy town, Gastown, many tourists visit there. This restaurant hosts a cycle race called Tour de Gastown every summer. In 1991, an amateur cyclist at that time, Lance Armstrong won the race. I saw the cycle race here for the first time and it was so thrilling.

Steamworks Steamworks West

友達ともよくここで飲む。前回は写真の6パイントビールを頼んだ。これで24ドル。すぐなくなっていた。SteamworksはWest Vancouverにもお店がある。翌日、ちょうど近くに行く用事があったので、ブランチに訪ねた。夫はビールの味は同じだと言ってた。あたりまえか。ブランチおいしかったよ。

We often have drinks with friends as well. Last time we ordered the 6 pints beer in the photo. This is $24 and it was gone in seconds. Steamworks has another restaurant in West Vancouver. We were visiting a place nearby so we went there for brunch. My husband said the beer tastes the same, of course. The brunch was good.

375 Water Street (map)
Tel: 604-689-2739
Fax: 604-669-2329

Steamworks West
The Village at Park Royal (map)
900 Main Street
West Vancouver
Tel: 604-922-8882

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